Now that your "bare bones" page is up on the Web, let's add some more to it.
Line Break
A line break is simply an empty line. The tag for it is: <BR>, and no end tag is necessary. Insert two or three beneath your heading to separate it from the rest of your text.
On the line following your line breaks, type:
<P>This is a paragraph where you share your information with
<P> and </P> tags enclose a paragraph and, using these tags for each paragraph, you may have as many paragraphs as you want. The end tag is not usually necessary, but is included here for consistency. Add two or three line breaks to create space between the text and the horizontal rule we will insert next.
Horizontal Rule
A horizontal rule (line) can separate headings from text, and highlight areas of your page. To insert one, type:
No end tag is necessary for a horizontal rule.
A link is a highlighted (hypertext) connection from your page to another URL; perhaps a web site that you use often. A visitor can click on the link and the browser will go to the URL specified within the tags. Type the following tags for a link to the Computer Science Department's home page:
<P><A HREF="">Brock Computer Science Home Page</A> </P>
Note that the only part of this visible to the visitor is the text within the > and < angle brackets.
Now take another look at your page in the browser, by repeating steps 7 through 11 above. Netscape returns to the last location you visited, which should be your web page. If so, you must click on reload to update the page within Netscape. If not, you'll need to type in the URL again, and then reload to view the latest changes. Your page should look something like this:
Try clicking on your hypertext link; it should take you to the Brock Computer Science home page. If not, or if your page does not look like the above page, check the Troubleshooting section to see where you may have gone wrong.
E-mail Address
You might want to include your e-mail address, so visitors know where to write to you. Type in the tag for a new paragraph, the tag for an address, and your email address as follows:
<P><ADDRESS>Your real name<BR>
The <ADDRESS> tag will display your name and email address in italicized text.
Copyright Notice
As this page is your creation, you may want to notify visitors that you own the rights to its contents. Type:
<P>Copyright 1997, Your Name</P>
If your web document becomes lengthy, it is a good idea to include a link to the URL of your page at the end of the document, so that visitors can click on the link and return to the top of the page. To do this, type:
<P>URL: <A HREF =""></A></P>
Don't worry if your editor breaks this line into two lines, as it has done here. The browser reads the text as if there is no break in the text at all.
This is the last of the optional tags we will cover in this manual. Following steps 7 through 11 above, save your file again and take a look at your page in the Netscape browser. Hopefully, it looks like this:
If your page doesn't look like the screen shown above, first check the
text of your page for any typing errors. If you don't see any obvious errors,
check the Troubleshooting
Here is the HTML for the contents of the example web page as seen within the text editor.
URL this document:
Last revised: March 6, 1998 by D.Beens