With so many web page guides and resources available either on-line
or in book stores, what could you learn from this guide that hasn't already
been covered? Well, this one covers the essential steps required for a
student at Brock University to create a simple web page and get it up on
Badger. In tailoring this to your needs, we made several assumptions:
If you don't quite match the above description, don't despair! The computer lab advisors can help you open a Badger account, and show you how to use Netscape (as well as other applications) in the labs. In a few sessions on the computers, you can easily learn these basic computer skills.
If you do meet the above criteria, congratulations! In half an hour or less, you should be able to have your very own page on the World Wide Web (WWW). This guide will show you the bare essentials of web page publishing, how to get your page onto the web, and give you some references so you can learn how to add all kinds of extra features to your site. The manual covers only the basic commands in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the language that web pages are written in, because of the wealth of HTML resources already available to you on the WWW.
We hope this guide makes your first journey into web page publishing
a painless one!
Every effort has been made to ensure this document gives accurate information, however, users are cautioned that its content is provided as a resource for indiviuals to use at their own risk. The authors do not accept responsibility or liability for loss or damage arising from its use.
Copyright ©1997, 1998 Debbie Beens, Stuart Daniels,
Mike Hansen, Leigh Leaver, Meg Richardson, Doug Wilson